Research Paper about Sleep Comfort of Mattress was Published

Research Paper about Sleep Comfort of Mattress was Published

What is a Comfortable Mattress like? The bedroom brand “EMOOR JAPAN” conducts scientific research on mattress comfort.

EMOOR’s research institute, Sleep & Life Research Laboratory, has published a causal model of sleeping comfort based on various factors believed to be related to mattress comfort. Its research paper was published as an original article in Sleep and Environments, the official journal of the Japanese Society of Sleep and Environments.

At EMOOR’s Showroom, we offer an experience of Sleep based on the content of this research. We hope to help customers who are having trouble choosing the right mattress there.

Based on the results of this research, EMOOR JAPAN will continue to develop products and services to provide better bedding to our customers.



Information of Research Paper

Published Jornal:J. Sleep and Environments 2024, Volume 18 Issue 1 Pages 1-8

Title: Factors Analysis of Mattress Comfort  A Proposal for a Causal Model of Overall Sleep Comfort

Authors:Koji TAKAHASHI, Kaori OTOMO, Hideki TANAKA



The purpose of this study was to examine mattress comfort in terms of subjective handling of the material, sinkage, firmness, elasticity (resilience), warmth, turning over, and width (size), and propose a causal model of overall sleeping comfort. For this study, 240 subjects (120 males and 120 females) between the ages of 20 and 49 were surveyed via a web-based questionnaire. The survey included basic information on gender, age, region, height, weight, scoliosis, physical condition, and the material, size, and thickness of the mattress they were using. Multiple regression analysis revealed that four factors were significantly related to overall comfort: sinkage, elasticity (resilience), width (size), and warmth. For overall comfort, sinkage was most strongly related, and there was also a strong relationship between sinkage and resilience. In addition, the results of examining the effects of physical information such as BMI and scoliosis on sleep comfort suggested that the subjective satisfaction with the mattress may be influenced not only by the material factors of the mattress but also by the physical characteristics of the user. Furthermore, results of present study suggest that a combination of multiple physical characteristics may influence sleeping comfort.

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