Official Brand Site is NOW OPEN!

EMOOR, which makes “SLEEP, SIT, and STOW” comfortable, opened the “EMOOR’s Official  Brand Website” on May 29, 2024. We would like to share with you what kind of customer experience we can offer, our thoughts on manufacturing, and the significance we put into our products.


Brand Concepts

EMOOR is a Tokyo-based bedroom interior brand that makes the three behaviors ” SLEEP, SIT, and STOW” comfortable by manufacturing products based on ergonomics, sleep studies, and Japanese living culture. We are committed to helping people improve their mental and physical health through the development of products that support these three behaiviors.


Creating Spaces for Everyone


EMOOR proposes a new way of living to the world from Tokyo, a densely populated city in Japan, the country with the world’s most rapidly aging population. We currently have customers in the United States, Canada, France, and Germany. We will continue to increase the number of countries where we can offer our products and propose the creation of spaces where everyone can live comfortably, born in Japan.